We Know MRE Technology
In 1983 we were the first company to sell MREs to civilians. After 40+ years in the field, we believe now more than ever in the MRE technology and design as the best outdoor and emergency food solution. For all those years, we managed the world’s only complete online MRE Buffet, with the widest selection of individual MRE pouches and full meals around. We were proud to offer more selections than our best competitors. Now we’re rebuilding our MRE Buffet, offering our own products and those of other Sellers. Stay tuned while we add more MRE selections!
Top Notch Storage Environment
MRE pouches are the best mid-term (from 1 to10 years) emergency and outdoor survival food in the world! So we do all we can to preserve them, present them and get them in your hands. The rough and tumble MRE pouch can weather a lot, but before it gets to your backpack or storage space, a hot warehouse just won’t do! Our dedicated, unique Cool Rooms are back in service. These rooms were custom-designed to extend the potential long shelf-life of your future MREs.
Fast and Efficient Shipping
Many of our featured products – including our own Long Life Food Depot items – now include fast and often FREE shipping. While some products may be shipped by other companies from various locations, you will have an excellent range of efficient shipping possibilities.
Expanded Product Catalog
We are now an Amazon Affiliate, so we can recommend to our customers essential products needed by outdoor enthusiasts and preppers that are available from the wide world of Amazon.com! We are combining our decades of long life food experience with the vast selection, low prices and great shipping of the world’s largest retailer.
About MREs
The MRE Full Meal is still the most cleverly designed, user-friendly feeding solution for emergencies and roughing-it situations. MREs provide satisfying and energy-rich combinations of ready-to-eat meals and side dishes. Long Life Food Depot has made this ever-evolving meal kit our focus for over 40 years!
In one easy-to-rip-open bag, you get enough caloric energy and nutrients for almost a whole day, and enough food variety and taste to remind you of home-cooked meals when none are around. Stay tuned while we bring you all the pieces and packing choices we can find!
New & Back In Stock
Our Story: The Short Version
In 1980 our US military switched its entire food ration program over to an exciting new technology: the full moisture MRE pouch. (The food within the pouch is not dried or freeze dried; it contains the full moisture of “just cooked” food).
In 1983, our company began, with a single clear purpose. Having just discovered the versatile full moisture pouches of the military MRE ration program, we decided we would deliver these rations to American citizens for non-military uses. We would turn “swords into plowshares” so to speak, by bringing military food rations designed for war, to the public for a variety of civilian purposes — camping, hiking, emergency preparation and more.
We started and continue a smorgasbord for full moisture MRE pouches, with MRE Full Meals and various kits and combinations of MRE ration components. You can buy pieces by the pouch or the case.
Customer Favorites
Now We’re More Than MREs!
In 1983, Long Life Food Depot was the first company to specialize in selling MREs to the public. We’ve been selling MREs ever since.
Many of our thousands of customers used MREs for camping, hunting and other outdoor sports. Others were storing MREs for emergency preparation for hurricanes, floods, financial collapse and other disruptions of normal life. Still other customers were buying them for both purposes — immediate use and long-term prepping.
Early on we expanded our operations to include freeze-dried and dehydrated food. Now we are also an Amazon Affiliate, so we can recommend to our customers essential products needed by outdoor enthusiasts and preppers that are available from the wide world of Amazon.com!
We are now combining our decades of long life food experience with the vast selection, low prices and great shipping of the world’s largest retailer.